019: How to Value Your Investment Property


Sanedria Potter

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • You learn the most important part of real estate investing- how to value your property.

  • How to understand real estate appraisals

  • the process of appraising a property

  • what will increase the value of a property and what will not

how to become an appraiser, and more.


Sanedria Potter purchased her first fixer-upper property from a local wholesaler and realized quickly that she was in over her head. She then decided to go to Appraisal School so that she could be an informed investor and later went on to start her own Residential Appraisal and Consulting Firm in 2001. She has trained and mentored many aspiring Appraisers and has completed over 5000 appraisals with clients such as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, SunTrust, Attorneys, Homeowners and Investors.

In addition to running her Appraisal business, in 2010 Sanedria signed on as a FNMA Forensic Review Analyst responsible for the audit and quality control of Fannie Mae collateral. This position allowed her to utilize her Appraisal and Review experience and to become a subject matter expert. 

Those forensic review skills proved valuable, when Sanedria started investing in the stock market nearly 10 years ago. The detailed analysis skills that she obtained has allowed her to effectively train aspiring investors in Real Estate and the Stock Market.  Her goal is to show investors “How to stay Green in a Red Market”.

Appraising properties and investing in the stock market, has afforded Sanedria the time to do what she loves, which is to write. She is a published Author with a degree in Business Administration. She has also lent her writing skills to many clients and helped them write books ranging from biographies to relationship guides. 

Real Estate and Stock Market investing has allowed Sanedria the ability to self-fund her original films such as "It's Major", a family comedy, which is currently in the top recommended movies in the Kids/Family Section on Amazon Prime. “It’s Major”, is produced by her production company FastLane Pictures, along with her teen son, Jaelen Miller.

Website: RealAppraising.com

Instagram: @realappraisals @theworthacademy@sanedriap

Office: 678-508-0863


020: How to Find a Realtor that Works with Investors


018: How to Get Hard Money